People from the Past and Strangers on Trains
Oh, how humanly precious it is to connect and re-connect.
Cradling dreams of real creation
Gradually growing increasingly cold
Once was filled with true elation
No longer crystal-clear nor gold
Craving meaning, cruel sixth sense
Grappling with future tense
Facing faces, old and new
Patient virtues, endless queues
Crossed the crisis, crossed the bridge
Cross my fingers, cross off the list
Catch that spark, sound in my fist
Silver linings are for optimists
Cream white canvas, crumbled sheets
Create a home, crave a retreat
Sing that sad song on repeat
Creative deaths are cryptic defeats
— Creative Deaths by Jenny Tâm Thai, 2023
Happy January, dear creatives! I sincerely hope that 2025 has been off to an amazing start for you all! I'm currently sitting on the train back to Paris as I'm typing these words for you and I felt like sharing a precious little anecdote with you.
As I was sitting on my first train to Paris this morning, I pulled out my journal (as one does during a long and slow train ride) to capture some of the fleeting thoughts that were floating around in my head. I couldn’t tell you how much time I spent doing so, as time just passes differently when you are absorbed by your thoughts and words. While I was still fully in the flow of my writing, I suddenly heard a voice say “Wow, you have a lot to write about.”
I looked up from the half-filled page in front of me, surprised to realise that the rather busy train compartment I had boarded hours before was now almost left deserted, only to be occupied by me and an old man to whom the voice belonged. I smiled at him, and replied “I certainly do!” I guided my attention back to my journal to finish the last thought I was trying to spell out.
“That’s such a wonderful thing to do,” he told me. “Are you a writer yourself?” I questioned him with curiosity. I could sense that he was eager to share his story. “No, I’m not, I prefer painting. I used to be a professional painter. And now that I’m retired, I like to take the train for little trips and go on walks but I will colour in some colouring pages this afternoon when I’m back home. Obviously, I’m not actually drawing but I get to select the colours, and I like to do that. It’s an activity nonetheless, something to do with my time. It brings me joy” There was an air of passion and pride emanating from his voice. I proceeded to ask him a few more questions about his life.
At one point during our conversation, he looked directly at me and said, “You know, it’s not that common anymore to just have a friendly conversation these days.” He seemed appreciative of my attention and entrusted me with the story about an incident that had happened to him a few weeks prior, where his attempt to express genuine concern for a stranger was dismissed, and instead, greeted with pure callousness.
If you know me personally, you will most likely know about at least one of the countless random encounters I’ve experienced in my lifetime. This is not one of those stories. This is just a simple conversation I had with a stranger who just so happened to be sitting on the same train as me. Nothing more than that, and nothing less. As simple as this seems, it actually isn’t something that has happened to me in a long time - and that, even though I get approached all the time.
The difference is, that whenever I get approached by people, mainly by the ones who identify themselves as male, it is always done with a certain intention in mind. And it is most often done in such a way where the only possible answer from my side is “no.”
I’ve definitely become less approachable over the years, but this wholesome incident warmed my heart. There are nice souls out there. There is nuance to everything. There is so much preciousness in a sweet and short little conversation with a stranger, a crossing of paths, a moment of connection, the little gift of full attention. It doesn’t cost anything but it is worth so, so much.
Do with this story what you will :)
It does feel like having and holding a conversation is a lost art (a topic I have many conversations about..). But it is something so crucial for experiencing human connection. A prerequisite for being able to do so is self-awareness and reflection. It also made me think about how you are being perceived when you are on your phone (most likely absorbed in someone else’s world, consuming content) vs when you are writing in your journal (most likely absorbed in your own world, creating and making sense of things).
And as I was reflecting on the topic of connection, I equally reflected on the past month of December and the topic of re-connection (you’ll see the why). I actually wonder, how do you all perceive the month of December? Because to me, it is a month that I could easily overlook in my reflections.
When out of nowhere the 1st of December appears, it feels like in the blink of an eye, it's suddenly Christmas, and before you know it, New Year's Eve has passed and you find yourself correcting every date you are writing down. But what happened in the days in between?
I do have an inkling that this is because everything and everyone around you is so focused on preparing for the upcoming festivities and the new year, that we lose all sense of the present. But just as I believe that a successful morning routine starts with the night before, I believe that there’s value in reflecting on the last month of the year to ensure a good start in the new.
Upon reflection, I’ve realised how my December was all about homecoming and reconnection for me. Both literally and metaphorically. Sure, I went back home to see my parents for the holidays but before that, I unexpectedly reconnected with a number of projects and people. Friendly ghosts from the past that weren’t so ghost-like anymore :)
Meeting people from your past, especially if it seemingly happens so randomly, almost feels like stumbling upon a time capsule. A precious moment of reflection. Where had you both been when you last met? Both physically, and in life? How have your respective journeys unfolded while you were both living life in parallel? What has changed, and what stayed the same?
Meeting someone from your past is the closest you’ll get to meeting a former version of yourself. And whether you have consciously focused on it or not, growth will be revealed. After all, change is the only constant we have in life.
But apart from some wonderful people I’ve reconnected with, I also reconnected with a few of my old passion projects - including my podcast.
I touched upon this in my first episode but this podcast project had actually been on my mind for over a year - and funnily enough I had filmed an episode on the very same day the previous year as I filmed my first episode this year. Timing is always a funny thing, and I choose to fully embrace it - especially when it comes to creative endeavours.
But to tell the truth, I was almost going to re-film the entire thing because I wasn’t happy with it. I’m glad I got stopped because it wouldn’t have changed a thing. I’ve really found that perfectionism is one of the biggest obstacles I face. But here I am, trying to not just talk the talk, but also walk the walk, and normalise how beginnings are always a little rocky :) Things would be boring if there wasn’t any growth and improvement in the game.
My intention for this year is to create - lots and lots. And I hope you will join me on that journey :) (And maybe in my workshop where we talk about all things creative intentions?)
P.S. The Creativity Flow Podcast is now also available on Spotify and Apple Podcasts! Feel free to follow me there if that is your preferred platform for podcasts :)
Journaling Prompts
How did December 2024 feel like for you? Did it pass rather fast or slowly for you?
Is there anyone/anything you might want to reconnect with this year?
Think back to an old version of yourself. In what ways have you changed or stayed the same?
Join my Creative Intentions Workshop
I don’t know about you, but setting New Year’s Resolutions has never worked well for me. No matter how much goodwill and motivation there is, the way most people (including my former self!) approach setting those New Year’s Resolutions tends to set them up for failure. Why? Because most often, those resolutions only consist of vague statements (Exercise more! Drink more water! Lose weight! Reduce stress!)
While my Re:Start Workshop back in September was all about creative goal-setting, my upcoming Creative Intentions Workshop is all about understanding and connecting to the bigger picture. Set yourself up for success by laying the right groundwork and building from the bottom up.
During this 2.5-hour workshop, you can expect:
Mindful movement to release tension and reconnect to your body
A gentle yin yoga class, to create space and go within
Pranayama (breathing exercises)
A guided meditation
Learning the difference between a Sankalpa, Intention and Goal, in which way they relate, and how you can set your own
A guide on affirmations and manifestations
Reflections of 2024 and how to use them to guide your 2025
Journaling prompts
A handbook that you can use for future reference and guidance
Some heart-warming tea
A safe, cosy, and inclusive environment
All the Info at one glance
When? Sunday, 19th of January 2025, 16h-18h30
Where? The Space, Nation, Paris 12e
How much? Early Bird (sign up before the 10th of January): 40€; Regular price: 45€; Book two spots for you and a friend: 80€
For whom is this workshop? For total beginners and experienced yogis alike who want to gift themselves a moment of self-care and introspection. You do not need to have creative ambitions or consider yourself a creative to join and benefit from this workshop!
How can you sign up? Follow this link to sign up. You will receive an email with payment information.
How many spots are available? To keep this intimate and cosy, spots will be limited to 6!
May 2025 be everything you wish for!
Stay cosy and creative,
J x